Jess Gaertner

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Paleo Cookie Dough Popsicles: Two Ways

Wow, ok.  Can we say mom brain altogether now?? I just hopped on to do some work on the website and realized I posted this recipe without any sort of awesome commentary to go along with it!?  What is wrong with me?!  I know you guys all come here for my witty comments, right? 

Well, you're out of luck today because this mama is EXHAUSTED.  For some reason, I hit a wall this week and my creative energy is at an all time LOW.  Ok, that's dramatic, but I am zapped you guys.  Working, blogging, podcasting, and keeping my two beautiful tiny humans alive is a serious balancing act sometimes!

I also want to comment on something that happened the other day.  A reader commented to me privately that she doesn't understand how I "do it all".  Meaning work, make food, stay alive, etc...and I just want to be 100% perfectly crystal clear.  I absolutely don't do it all. I just don't.  My husband helps A TON. Thank God for him, he's a saint..a saint I tell ya!  I also have a VERY narrow list of priorities, and a set my expectations for the things outside of that list very very VERY low.  So imagine the lowest expectation you can set, ok, now go lower.  That's me.  

It also took me a very long time to get to this place that I am at currently.  Meaning me, thriving most days, rather than surviving.  There were days the first 2-3 years after my son was born that I literally was a zombie.  Sleep deprived, sluggish, mentally in a rut, physically in a rut, and not living my  best life.  It was a long, hard, uphill climb out of that hole, but here I am, and now I try my best to focus on the foods I eat and feed my family, the way I move my body, and the friends and family I surround myself with.  Everything outside of that is just not a priority. 

You also HAVE to follow my instastories to know the real me.  I somehow manage to stay in pajamas all day during the weekend...sometimes I transition to yoga pants...sometimes.  I rarely get my coffee before 10 am.   Our house is a mess. Our dogs are cray.  There's white hair everywhere. It's the best.  Also, get on that podcast life!  I share so much more of REAL life there, if you want to get to know who I am, that's the place to be.

Anyways, friends.  Life isn't always what it appears to be, moral of the story.  I hope you look at me and see a real, authentic person, and I encourage you to reach out!  I love to get to know people, and I'd love to get to know YOU!

Ok, enough about me, let’s talk about these popsicles babyyyyyyy! What we’ve got here is truly the easiest summer treat you’re ever going to find. Like period. EVER. I also decided to make it two ways because life is better when you add coffee. The first way to eat these Paleo cookie dough popsicles is served by themselves, as is - I’d consider this to the the ultimate kid-friendly version. The second (and best way IMHO) is reverse affogato style for the adults! Affogato is usually when you pour a shot of espresso over ice cream, gelato, etc. and inhale it. We’re doing this reverse affogato style by dipping it into a glass of cold brew. BOOM. Super easy, so yummy - now go get you some.

Paleo Cookie Dough Popsicles: Two Ways


  • 1 1/2 cups full fat canned coconut milk

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla bean powder (or 1 tsp vanilla extract )

  • 1/8 cup maple syrup

  • 1 package of hail merry cookie dough bites (roughly chopped)

  • adult option: your favorite cold brew or iced coffee (i use chameleon cold brew)


  1. Place all ingredients, except for the cookie dough in a blender and blend thoroughly (about 30 seconds).

  2. Divide chopped cookie dough bites evenly among popsicle molds, careful not to pack them too tight, as you want the liquid to fill the mold completely.

  3. Pour coconut milk mixture into molds to fill, and place handles in the molds.

  4. Place in freezer, and allow to set completely.

  5. For the kids option, run under slightly warm water to loosen, then pull popsicle out of mold and SERVE :)

  6. For the adult option, pour a glass of your favorite cold brew, and dunk popsicle while eating to add a sweet splash to your coffee.

  7. ENJOY!