Your Guide to the Holidays at your own pace

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I was recently talking on the podcast about my personal love affair with the holiday season - IT’S BIG BIG LOVE you guys. To be totally honest though, there have been many seasons, particularly in early motherhood when I simply could not muster up the energy to do anything other than get a tree, and even that was almost too much. I felt pressured to be doing all the things, and felt guilty when I couldn’t.

This little list was born out of my reflection on certain times in the last 10 years especially that my energy, personal life, and mental space impacted my ability to embrace the holiday season. I hope that no matter where you are in this current season you find a mode that resonates authentically for you. Maybe you fall into one of these categories, or maybe you’re a mixture of a little bit of all them - this is a choose your own adventure, holiday edition!

Slow Down Energy (i.e. less is more this holiday season)

  • Say “no” and clear your calendar

    • decline those virtual event invites and create your own family traditions

    • go through your calendar and find 3-5 commitments to remove

    • Practice saying “This year our plan is to stay home and focus on each other. Thank you so much for your invitation, but please do check back in next year!”

  • Limit or eliminate gifting this year

    • focus on experiences

    • focus on homemade

    • try reverse gifting - going through your current stuff, and donating things you no longer want or need

  • Go on a buying freeze.

    • get creative with what you already have

      • look at things you can reuse as gift wrapping and bows

      • can you make your own ornaments?

      • can you re-gift your favorite things to people you love (i.e. your fav book or movie, that sweater you love so much, a recipe you love to make?)

  • Do a nightly walk around the neighborhood to see who else has put up their Christmas lights!

  • Check out your favorite holiday books from the library and read them together as a family!

  • Outsource when necessary

    • buy pre-made food or goodies for holiday feasts or exchanges

    • if you do purchase gifts, see if you can get them pre-wrapped

    • gift yourself a house clean if it fits in the budget and you don’t have the energy to clean during the holiday season

  • If your faith is a part of the holiday season, then find ways to reconnect to that:

    • we share the story behind our faith frequently with our kiddos this season

    • we share Christmas scripture as part of our advent calendar

Balanced Energy (i.e. let’s sprinkle in some upgraded holiday cheer)

  • Bake and decorate your favorite Christmas cookies

    • go homemade or pre-made!

  • have a family Christmas movie night complete with homemade cocoa and marshmallows

  • Have an advent calendar

    • purchase or make your own depending on your energy level!

  • Build a snowman (if you get snow!)

  • write letters to Santa

    • if you don’t celebrate Santa, maybe opt to write letters to anyone in your life who might need some cheering up!

Elf Energy (i.e. I love this time of year and have unending energy for all the things!)

  • Build a gingerbread house

    • you can go from scratch or buy a kit!

  • start a toy drive for your community

    • get on your next door app and have a drop off point on your porch!

  • put up Christmas lights

  • send Christmas cards

  • have an ugly sweater virtual competition

  • get a new special ornament for each member of the family

    • this is a fav tradition for us!

  • create a Christmas Eve tradition

    • we do a pajama box with a movie and a book for our kids!

  • create a Christmas Day tradition

    • we have a special French toast bake and do a big breakfast while opening presents

  • Adopt a family for the holidays

    • we love doing Angel Tree!

  • get matching family pajamas

  • coordinate your family or neighborhood Secret Santa

    • another feat that can be accomplished on the Next-door App I you have it!

I hope this list is a sustainable starting point for you to find a way to be present this holiday season in whatever way feels right to you! Would love to hear any other ideas you might have for each of these energy levels!